Santa Came Early With An Exciting New Scooter!

I know, I know… It isn’t quite Christmas morning yet, so my boys shouldn’t have already opened a present. Sometimes Santa drops off something so big, it’s tough to hide. That was the case when the boys new scooter arrived last week. I was so excited for them to try it out, I let them open it right away! Read on to hear more about their cool new ride-on. You’ll be amazed at how different it is from other scooters on the market!

If your kids love active, ride-on toys like bikes or scooters, you'll want to check out this innovative new product. My boys are loving their ScootyB - you'll be amazed by how special it truly is! #ad #ScootyB #Christmas #Scooters #PumpItUp
Thank you to ScootyB for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions expressed are my own.

Santa’s New Scooter

Video embedded from ScootyB’s YouTube channel!

After watching the video for ScootyB the first time, I knew it was a great choice for my family. #thebigone is right at the edge of ‘aging off’ of it, since the scooter is designed for children ages 3-7 years old. (Honestly, regardless of age, he still thinks it’s a fun new toy!) #thelittleone, however, is 2 1/2 years going on 7. He’s always trying to do exactly what his big brother does- including riding scooters. Unfortunately, he just doesn’t have the strength or coordination #thebigone had when he was young. #thelittleone has a growth delay, so he’s smaller than his peers. It caused some gross motor delays when he was younger. In order to learn to crawl and walk, my youngest had weekly physical therapy appointments. He’s meeting all his milestones now, thankfully, but we’re conscious of helping him grow his skills and get stronger. The ScootyB is the perfect choice for him, since it helps with his balance and core strength while he rides.


Because ScootyB uses a simple pedal to ‘pump’ along, #thelittleone can move himself without a lot of effort on mom or dad’s part. With more traditional scooters, my husband or I have to stand over our youngest, holding the handlebars and pushing him along. (Seriously, guys, we’re getting old- our backs can’t take it!) ScootyB gives my little boy the independence he craves, and lets him keep up with big brother! The new pedal mechanism, unique to ScootyB, allows him to focus on balancing, rather than struggling to coordinate pushing with his legs.


What We Love About The New Scooter

  • Simple assembly. I put ScootyB together myself in the kitchen one afternoon. It went together quickly, and without any strugggle.
  • Grows with your child. The handlebar height can be adjusted to a few different levels. This makes ScootyB perfect for families like mine, with kids of varying heights. It also makes it the ideal choice to grow with your child, for several years of play.
  • Three sturdy wheels. Many more traditional scooters have only 2 wheels. Neither of my boys are great with balance, so ScootyB’s 3 wheel design is the perfect choice for them. The triad of wheels gives my boys extra stability. They love focusing on where they’re scooting to, rather than struggling to just stay upright.
  • Solid design. ScootyB is a heavy duty ride on toy. I don’t worry about my boys breaking it, or it bending under either of their weight. Although the product is intended for kids 3-7 years old, it does have a 110 lb weight limit- that says something about how well made this new scooter is!
  • That pumping mechanism! Obviously, we love the pump propulsion that ScootyB offers. It’s exactly what #thelittleone needs in a scooter!
  • Available on Amazon[Note: I currently am not an Amazon affiliate, I make no commissions from these links]. Everyone loves how quickly goodies from Amazon can arrive at your doorstep. ScootyB is no exception!

Connect With ScootyB


Even if you’re not in the market for a new scooter right now, chances are you will be in the months ahead. (Springtime is perfect for a scooter ride in most parts of the country, right?!) Make sure to check out ScootyB’s website and social media presence so you can stay up to date with their products and promotions.

Website / Instagram / Facebook / Twitter / YouTube

How about your family? Has Santa dropped off anything a little early this year? Let me know in the comments below!

If your kids love active, ride-on toys like bikes or scooters, you'll want to check out this innovative new product. My boys are loving their ScootyB - you'll be amazed by how special it truly is! #ad #ScootyB #Christmas #Scooters #PumpItUp




  • Jenn

    Wow! This looks like a really cool scooter! Any kid will love this.

    • Kate

      It’s really a lot of fun for kids!

  • April@loveourreallife

    What an absolute blast! I bet the boys LOVE it!

    • Kate

      They have SO much fun with it!

  • Suzanne Spiegoski-Decamps

    This is such an awesome scooter! I bet a ton of kids would totally dig this for the holidays!

    • Kate

      I’m sure anyone who opened it on Christmas morning was not disappointed!

  • Courtney

    Oh wow, this looks awesome! Seems much easier for kids to get the hang of. I would enjoy it, too! lol.

    • Kate

      It’s MUCH easier to manage, especially for the younger kids. Really fun.

  • alattelullabies

    What a fun gift! I think my 3 year old would love this!

    • Kate

      I’m sure your 3 year old would be thrilled to check out this scooter!

  • Michelle

    I have never seen a scooter like this before- Olivia would love this

    • Kate

      I hadn’t either, it’s such a cool new design!

  • Meg

    That looks so fun! What a great toy to develop gross motor skills and get some exercise in a fun way.

    • Kate

      It’s been perfect for my youngest’s gross motor development- fun without frustration is key for him.

  • mommafitlyndsey

    this looks like the perfect gift! I’m sure he had a blast!

    • Kate

      They both had a ton of fun with it!

  • Joscelyn

    How fun! My kids would love one of those!!

    • Kate

      It’s a great gift idea!

    • Kate

      Thanks so much- it’s definitely one of their favorites this year!

  • Pooja

    This looks like a superb design and very cool looking too! Rather than a deluge of gifts on Christmas day, sometimes an early surprise is very welcome. Enjoy!

    • Kate

      You’re absolutely right Pooja- it can be overwhelming to open everything in one day!

  • Sophie

    Cool scooter!!

    • Kate

      It’s a lot of fun!

  • Jennifer McCoy

    Oh my goodness my boys would freak out! This is like the perfect gift for a mom of boys to buy for under the tree.

    • Kate

      My boys are totally obsessed with it!

  • Shopdealman

    i love your xmas santa new scooter! thanks for sharing!

    • Kate

      It’s super fun. Thanks for checking it out!

  • Lindsey

    This scooter looks so awesome! My boys woul d love it!

  • Stephanie ReadsWell

    Such a beautiful thing to gift. I am sure every kid will love this scooter.